Passion project

My passion project is about discover the work of human brain by doing experiments.  Because I changed my passion project during this semester, so I cannot finish on time. I first bought a brain model online and try to memorize all the parts of huam brain.

I found that prefrontal can affect the movement of a person through the central nervous system, and I test my hypothesis by set up an activity between Mrs.T according a famous psychological experiment known as ” House-Tree-Person” by a psychologist named John Buck.

The function of ” House-Tree-Person ” test is going to find out a person’s personality or their mental disorders by looking at their drawing lines and position.

Here is the result of Mrs.T:

  • The position of the picture is on the left side, means pay more attention to her inside actions( emotional change.)
  • Long and straight lines: Have strong self control, but easy to cause angry and have aggressive thinking.
  • The position of house, tree and person are all face front: Not easy to balance  emotions.
  • Description not clear: Introvert, easy to get depression.

From the result, we can see a person’s personality by identify his or her drawing lines and what images did they draw.

One statement is wrong, which known as while people doing something that is creative, they usually use their right-brain. The definition of right-brain that most people think is to create and balance, but in fact we use both our left-brain and right brain when we are doing works.

One good example is from Mrs.T’s experiment result. Everyone absorb their knowledge from someone else, we often use those knowledge through logical way, which cause by left-brain actions. When someone is drawing, our left-brain and right-brain work togather.

In the future, the devices I need including:

  • Microscope
  • Specimen( Blood or nervous )


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