Category: Frankenstein presentation

Reflection on “Frankenstein” presentation

This week we do the presentation of “Frankenstein” on Mrs.T’s class, we presented our ethical questions by doing different types of presentation. Me and Bruce were doing the poster last week, we compare and contrast Victor Frankenstein by searched the stories of two scientists who influenced the world a lot.

I think our presentation do not have enough information and details, we only found the similar examples for positive and negative side of our ethical question: ” Why do people explore new technology?” We also have problems on following main ideas, we did not exactly follow our topic.

But we still have good side, we collaborated successfully and our poster was excellent.

To improve understanding of our topic, we cannot just search but also think. Except the information that comes from website, we need our personal thinking and use our knowledges to find out our question.


Ethical thinking for ” Frankenstein”

This week in Mrs.T class we are preparing the presentation the ethical thinking according to ” Frankenstein”. I work with Bruce to find out the reasons and to perdict our topic : ” Why do people explore new technology?”

We conclude that our need to consider some of the study branches including biology, psychology, physic and social science.

But this presentation need to have connection with” Frankenstein.

At beginning, me and Bruce searched the inventions that have done in human history, and searched how those invention ideas comes from. We then compare them to Victor Frankenstein, try to find how his creature similar to other inventions examples.

We then work separately. Bruce is going to do the negative side for exploring new technology, my job is opposite with Bruce’s.

I explain according to psychological theory. One is the form of curiosity, another one is the affection of family background and environment.

Victor’s mother died early while Victor was big enough to understand the meaning of life and important of emotion.Curiosity take part in human thinking when their life style and environment change. Victor study ancient science while he was small and was shock when he saw the tree was hitting by the lighting. This experience change Victor’s viewpoint of life, just like most of the scientists.

In positive way, new technology can change or improve our life style. It improve the development in human history also.

Ethical thinking for presentation

This week in Mrs.T’s class we are preparing the presentation the ethical thinking according to “Frankenstein” . I work with Bruce to find the reasons and to predict our topic: “ Why do people explore new technology?”

We concluded that our topic need to consider some of the study branches including biology, psychology, physics and social science.

But this presentation need to have connection to “ Frankenstein”.

At beginning, me and Bruce searched the inventions that have done in human history, and searched how those inventors ideas comes from. We then compare them to Victor Frankenstein, try to find how his creature similar to other inventions.

We then work separately. Bruce is going to do the negative side for exploring new technology, my job is opposite with Bruce’s.

I explain according to psychological theory. One is the form of curiosity, another one is the affection of family background and environment.

Victor’s mother died early, while Victor was big enough to understand the meaning of life and the important of emotion. Curiosity take part in human thinking when their life style and environment change. Victor study ancient science while he was small and was shock when he saw the tree was hitting by the lighting. This experiences change Victor’s viewpoint of life, just like most of scientists.

In positive ways, new technology can change or improve our life style. It improve the development in human history also.