Category: Language arts project

Reflection on my campaigns

I worked individually  for the project, which I picked balancing ecosystem to be my topic. My previous plan was to show understanding by doing slogans or posters. But basically I changed because it is too complicated for me to explain my topic. I gave a speech to the class and I prepared a short video, however it cannot be play on the screen because some  technical problems.

Basically I think everyone did their great jobs on their projects, everyone shows their understanding in different ways. Sometimes I feel very struggling with environmental problems such as ecosystem or global warming, because for me human have to spend a long period to change those situations. So I wrote a speech about my perspective  to this campaigns, to present how we are struggling with to live in a civilized world or primitive world. I did not put too much facts in the speech, so my speech is not persuasive.

Because I cannot play my video, so here I will describe how my short film looks like. Basically the film is about an introduction to the ecosystem. I list some facts such as the result of interrupt ecosystem, and persuade audiences by explain how to balance it. But I must say I copied and pasted pictures online, so I have to change my film more appropriate. The film is about 1 minute long, which I think is a perfect time line for a presentation.

This campaign gave me a very good chance to practice my speech and my understanding to the project. But I have to improve it because is not persuasive, it still do not have enough facts. Facts have connection to almost any presentations, including speech. I will put more facts and information into my next project or media campaigns.